chromewebstoresource code
A minimal chrome and firefox homepage addon. Even with the amount of
customization available, it is still extremely lightweight. Now with over 200k
happy users! In collaboration with
Bonjourr API

Cloudflare Worker api.bonjourr.frsource code
This is Bonjourr's backend. It is a collection of small services bundled into
one REST API, currently serving millions of requests per month.

Static site bonjourr.frsource code
A tiny showcase website and documentation for Bonjourr. Originaly made by, I then migrated the website from Gatsby
to Astro.
Pocket editor

Node module pocketeditor.victr.mesource code
Notion-styled text editor that returns markdown. Created with the goal of
loading as fast as pure html.
Favicon Fetcher
API favicon.victr.mesource code
Edge function to fetch the best favicon from any websites. Replacement for the
defunct favicon grabber.
Search Suggestions
API suggestions.victr.mesource code
A bundle of different search suggestions providers with the same json output.
Optimized for Cloudflare Workers, but also work as a standalone module.
A single page showcase website for the savonnerie La Curieuse. Updated with
Tailwind & Astro. Perfect score on lighthouse !

polytronome.victr.mesource code
A webapp where you can add multiple metronomes with different rythms to see what
it sounds like. I learned that the sweet spot in React between not capable and
completely overkill is very small.
Bombparty Genius
Webapp bombparty.victr.mesource code
This web app was created not to cheat at bombparty by quickly switching tab,
writing the requested letters, and write the output in your current game. Not
sure if it even works in practice.